Movie- Incredibles 2
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Movie for kids. Snacks provided by the library.
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Movie for kids. Snacks provided by the library.
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The library will be closing at 6:00 PM during the Winter Season schedule. Full hours will resume on Monday, March 4th, 2019.
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Movie The Grinch will be showing for kids. Snacks provided by the library.
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For kids in grades Kindergarten and up. Stories, crafts, and a snack. Registration required.
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For toddlers (18 months) - preschool, with a caregiver. Stories, songs, crafts, and snacks. Registration required.
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For kids in Kindergarten and up. Please DO NOT bring LEGOs from home, they will be provided by the library.
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For kids in grades 4-8. Work on programming the Sphero, or create with perler beads.
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Learn to make your own bow and succulent wreath. Registration required. Space limited.
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For kids in grades K and up. LEGOs provided by library.
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For grades 4-8. Games on the XBox 360 and Wii.