Book Sale
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Book Sale prices TBA
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Book Sale prices TBA
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Price of bag TBA
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Kids ages 4 and up can paint a pumpkin and enjoy a snack. Program is free, space is limited. Registration required.
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Want to become a Friend of the Library? Stop by and pick up an application. Friends meet once a month to discuss and plan fundraisers and activities to benefit library programs.
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Adults can relax with coloring. Art supplies and coloring pages provided by the library. Sign up required.
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Children can build creations to be displayed in the library. LEGOs provided by the library, please DO NOT bring LEGOs from home. For children in Kindergarten and up.
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Board Meeting
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November's craft: Book Page Pumpkin. Registration required.
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Share what books you've been reading, hear about what others have read. Light refreshments served.
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November craft: Book Page Pumpkin. Registration required.