A woman's hand coloring on a half-finished coloring page
Color Me Calm Adult Coloring
Relax and unleash your creativity with our adult coloring program!

Escape stress and tap into your artistic side with beautiful, intricate designs perfect for all skill levels. Whether you're looking to unwind or express yourself creatively, our program offers endless inspiration.

Home Page


Lynda.com has more than 6,600 courses, ranging from computer programming to project management including instruction on various computer software products, programming languages, and business topics. Learning paths are step-by-step structured courses, supported with quizzes, practice, and learning reminders to encourage you and support you as you make progress towards your goal.

Friends of the Library Membership Form

Students under 16 $2.00 Business/Organization $50.00
Active member $5.00 Lifetime member $100.00
Supportive member $15.00    

All contributions are tax deductible. Larger donations are gratefully received.